
2024-06-03 00:46

1. 国内外重大事件,中英文都要

10月1日——中华人民共和国第59华诞。October 1-59 birthday of the People's Republic of China.

12月15日——两岸海运直航、空运直航、直接通邮全面启动,宣告两岸三通时代来临。December 15th cross-strait direct shipping, air, straight, direct links, declared or era.

12月23日——大陆赠台大熊猫“团团”、“圆圆”搭乘长荣航空公司波音747专机飞抵台北桃园机场。 Dec 23 - China giant panda "circle" gift sets, "menu" by Eva airways Boeing 747 plane flew Taipei taoyuan airport.

  On November 4 - barack Obama as, 6th and 59th forty-fourth of President of the United States.


2. 求一篇最近发生的新闻,英文的,最好带翻译!

They say money doesn't grow on trees. But it certainly appears to do so on the mysterious coin-studded trunks dotted around the UK's woodland.


The strange phenomenon of gnarled(粗糙的) old trees with coins embedded all over their bark has been spotted on trails from the Peak District to the Scottish Highlands.
The coins are usually knocked into felled tree trunks using stones by passers-by, who hope it will bring them good fortune.

These fascinating spectacles often have coins from centuries ago buried deep in their bark and warped by the passage of time.

The tradition of making offerings to deities(神明) at wishing trees dates back hundreds of years, but this combination of the man-made and the natural is far more rare.

It used to be believed that divine spirits lived in trees, and they were often festooned(结彩于) with sweets and gifts - as is still done today at Christmas.

The act is reminiscent of(令人回忆起) tossing money into ponds for good luck, or the trend for couples to attach 'love padlocks' to bridges and fences to symbolise lasting romance.

Some pubs, such as the Punch Bowl in Askham, Cumbria, have old beams with splits in them into which coins are forced for luck.

There are seven felled tree trunks with coins pushed into them in the picturesque(独特的) village of Portmeirion, in Wales.

Meurig Jones, an estate manager at the tourist destination, told the BBC: 'We had no idea why it was being done when we first noticed the tree trunk was being filled with coins.

'I did some detective work and discovered that trees were sometimes used as "wishing trees" . In Britain it dates back to the 1700s - there is one tree in Scotland somewhere which apparently has a florin stuck into it.'

He said that a sick person could press a coin into a tree and their illness would go away.

'If someone then takes the coin out though, it's said they then become ill. We haven't publicised it at all, it's just happened,' he added. 'It's quite amazing really.'

In Scotland, there is also a legend about a kissing tree. If a young man could drive a nail into a tree with one blow, he earned a kiss from his sweetheart.


3. 国内外新闻用英语怎么说

news。news,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“新闻,消息;新闻报导”。news在英文中的使用也十分的广泛。1.The television announcer read the news calmly;电视播音员平静地念了这则新闻。2.Cliche is a feature of bad journalism;使用套语是拙劣的新闻体的特点。3.The news was flashed to Washington and then to New York;这消息被火速发往华盛顿,然后发往纽约。


4. 最近的英语新闻中英对照


  Bernadette Chirac let slip on Wednesday that there was no question Nicolas Sarkozy intended to make a political comeback, as the former president reactivated a social media account to post a photograph of himself to supporters.
  France’s 80-year-old former first lady, was initially evasive when asked whether she thought the man who succeeded her husband, Jacques Chirac, as French president intended to have another crack at the job in 2017. “I hope so,” she told Europe 1 radio, adding that he was the only Right-winger with the stature for the post.
  When pressed on whether he had made his intention clear to her, she said: “Well, I’m forbidden from saying so. I’m telling you, he’s going to tick me off.”
  Did that mean the response was “oui”, the reporter insisted. “Well of course,” she finally exclaimed.
  Mrs Chirac has become a prominent supporter of Mr Sarkozy after a long stretch of frosty relations following his supposed insubordination towards her husband while in office. Since his defeat in the 2012 elections, Mr Sarkozy has made sure he is not forgotten by sending a series of “postcards” to the French — from appearances at his wife Carla’s concerts to this week calling a mayor in the Vaar region to offer support after floods.
  In the Instagram photograph on Wednesday, his first uploaded on the online picture-sharing website in 21 months, Mr Sarkozy can be seen laughing as he sips a coffee in a café near his offices in the 8th arrondissement. “Happy New Year to the shopkeepers of the district and thank you for the coffee,” reads the accompanying message.
  The post has received a flood of messages of support, such as: “Come back Nicolas, we need you.” Commentators noted that the photograph appeared amid reports that Mr Sarkozy’s party rivals are joining forces to block him from circumventing party primaries.
  Last month, Le Point reported that Mr Sarkozy had told friends: “The question is not to know if I want or don’t want to return. I cannot not return. I don’t have a choice. It’s destiny. Destiny.”

5. 新闻的英文



6. 国际新闻的英文怎么说

international news

This is, of course, international news and soon it was being flashed around the world. 

7. 中国日报英语双语新闻是什么?




8. 中英文对照:我们的新闻

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. 
We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live.
It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. 
The brave men, living and dead who struggled here have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.
It is for us the living rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. 
It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us
--that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion
--that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
